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Writer's pictureAlexander Barnett


Updated: Dec 21, 2022

FEBRUARY 12 2007 !!!

(Click on all IMAGES to Enlarge & Scroll)

IDES of MARCH 9 2007 !!!

(760 ILCS 3/406) Sec. 406.

Creation of trust induced by fraud, duress, or undue influence.

If the creation, amendment, or restatement of a trust is procured by fraud, duress, mistake, or undue influence, the trust or any part so procured is void. The remainder of the

trust not procured by such means is valid if the remainder is not invalid for other reasons. If the revocation of a trust, or any part of the trust, is procured by fraud, duress, mistake, or undue influence, the revocation is void.

Create TRANSPARENCY ?? Huh ??

That's actually a THING ??


Timing.... 3 interesting "Coincidences"

1. THE Francis W Parker School & #ButtPlugDean CONGRATULATIONS !!

2. Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act

3. SURPRISE !!!!

1. Mr. & Mrs. Tobi and Milton LEFTon, DIRECTOR of Financial Planning of North Star Investment Management's ( "Donations" to THE AGENDA from The Barnett Family Foundation are IMPACTING The Lives of CHILDREN.

So much so that my alma matter has become THE MOST FAMOUS SCHOOL IN THE WORLD

Diversity & Inclusion at it's FINEST !!!


Child RAPE & Abuse in THE HOME ie. Jewish Child & Serviced got $545,728.00 from BARNETT FOUNDATION in odd numbers STARTING IN 2007

Trickled at first, DELUGE began when Mom died

(Click to ENLARGE) Where Does it GO ?? WHAT do THEY/Them DO with ALL THAT MONEY ?? Facilitates "conversations" instead of FUNDING PROSECUTIONS of PERPETRATORS ??? Disgusting.....

I Still say Operation Underground Railroad is a better cause...

They ACTUALLY RESCUE children instead of have "conversations" about the problem....

for $19m a year....

No wonder he got on both the BOARD OF DIRECTORS & The FINANCE COMMITEE

CONFLICT of INTEREST is probably the LEAST of the problems here....


(This is how conversations go with Mr. & Mrs. Tobi and Milton LEFTon of North Star Investment Management ( EXCEPT the response is:

" You do not seem to understand how YOUR Trust works..."


" You do not seem to understand how YOUR Trust works..."

My Grandmothers' broker NEVER treated HER with such Disrespect

" You do not seem to understand how YOUR Trust works..."

You NEVER disrespected MY MOTHER like this either....

" You do not seem to understand how YOUR Trust works..."

This in NOT what I sign up for... QUANT TRADING w ALGORITHMS is what I want !!

To BEAT the S&P 500 my 362% is what I WANT !!!!"

You do not seem to understand how YOUR Trust works..."

Gold. Since meeting William H Tehan IV in 1990

" You do not seem to understand how YOUR Trust works..."


Apple. Amazon. Google. Adobe. Nvidia. PTC. Unity. Microsoft. (2016 is way too late)

2011: $10k in Bitcoin??

" You do not seem to understand how YOUR Trust works..."

YOU don't know how to MAKE MONEY OR HEDGE or is this on PURPOSE ??

This is too stupid to just be stupid. Director of FINANCIAL PLANNING ?? How???


" You do not seem to understand how YOUR Trust works..."

MAKE YOUR OWN DECISIONS (He says) you are a grown man....

OK THEN... I am going to re-allocate MY money that I am pissing away on rent and utilities in Chicago & build a Augmented/Virtual Reality Development Team in Sri Lanka where I have a free place to stay and the US DOLLAR is $278-1

" You do not seem to understand how YOUR Trust works..."

Now ADD+

SO, where does all this lead ?????


The "ADGENDA" that The BARNETT FOUNDATION has funded has also just ruined my Alma Matter. This hits close to home & the heart....

The fine reputation & prestige has, like Trust#1, has also been decimated and become worthless.


My Mother, who had double mastectomies due to multiple rounds of BREAST, Blood, & CERVICAL CANCER....

SHE Also dedicated her life to TREATING CHILDREN & WHO wrote THE BOOK on Early Female Child Sexual Development !!!!!!

Do you think SHE would be encouraging/FINANCING this ??


She did NOT While she was ALIVE & actively donating to causes her HER choosing !!!!!

2007 EVERYTHING CHANGED as SHE battled her FINAL and losing BOUTS of CANCER having just barely survived previous rounds. Hence the HER Donations to Hou Kwaan at Northwestern and HEMOTOLOGY RESEARCH

Let's watch the process shall we ???



The $tock Market Covid-Cra$h of 2020 took 10 days to hit the bottom.

Do you think ANYTHING was done to PROTECT The Trust Property of AgB 1 & 2 ?

As in 1991, 2001, or 2008 when He/Him REPEATEDLY "LOST" HALF of MY Net Worth in each of these "Crashes" ?????

(Turns out they too were "orchestrated" )

Do you think anything was done to CAPITALIZE on the Greatest UPward Transfer of Wealth in Human History ?? To INCREASE MY NET WORTH? Accumulate Assets? Build Equity?

Not since... EVER ??

2018, why should I NOT be angry....

("Never let a good crisis go to waste" ~Saul Alinsky, Chicago's Weather Underground)

Ingorant & SCARED.. I Start asking questions in 2020...

I GOT ZERO RESPONSE or ACTION TAKEN !!!! "I'll take a look at it." That's it, Jack...

(Click to enlarge)

The Truth be told, I have been seeking Oversight, an Audit & a Removal of Trustee since 2018

(Read from Bottom to the top for chronological sequence of correspondence)

So, instead of INVESTING MY MONEY like it had been since 1985. .....

He/They Will NOT provide records or history despite demanding, in writing, for over a year.

Shockingly, 2011 Mr. & Mrs. Tobi and Milton LEFTon of North Star Investment Management ( even Signed - Re Petition Supporting a Fiduciary Standard for Financial Professionals

Timing.... Remember when that Paris Hilton story broke and triggered the Family FOUNDATION School #iSeeYouSurivor connection to my story of grooming, submission to enslavement, & ultimately bankruptcy of 1985's AgB Trust #1 ??

1984-2007 = $500-$1.2m

2009-2022 = $649.271.48- $0

How ?? ZERO Explanation, ACCOUNTABILITY, RESPONSIBIUITY, TRANSPARENCY, let alone apologies, etc

No return calls.

My mothers $5m+ (2009, bottom of Crash) Foundation as well.

IS leaving that the same way he is leaving me.

None of these were established BY MY MOTHER as LIQUIDATION TRUSTS !!!

Who knows how much actual THEFT has occurred with NO (ZERO) Transparency !!!

It was always about control & money.

Like Ye & Dave Chappelle. Lot of similarities to many of these stories and possible explanations/reasons for my "situation"

"If THEY can do this to ME ???

What can THEY do to EVERYDAY people ??"

~Ye (formerly Kanye West):

This is the primer for the call that follows

Trust Re-A-$ign $urgery/Enslavement & ContinuedAbuse

RECORDED on August 2, 2021

Stonewall: LAST Call with LEFTY You'll OWN Nothing & Like it !!!

RECORDED on August 21, 2021 AFTER, Mr. & Mrs. Tobi and Milton LEFTon /North Star Investment Management (NSinvest) did NOTHING to either liquidate when WE ALL saw what was coming on 9/11, The 2008 Housing Bubble Crash or in the 2020 failed impeachment, COVID-19 OUTBREAK Announcement 9months prior to the Most Legitimate (ie. "Fortified" according to TIME Magazine) Election of American History

((.pdfs were Created on 4.30.2022)) Original Emails go back to 2020

God forbid THEM/THEM ever lifted a finger on my/Trust#1/#2's behalf during the Greatest Upward Transfer of Wealth in Human History.

Somehow, with over $1m in the Bank between AgB Trust #1 & #2 (at the time), I have been HOMELESS in Las Vegas ever since this call was made.

TODAY Trust #1 is about to hit $0

God forbid THEM/THEM ever lifted a finger on my/Trust#1/#2's behalf during the Greatest Upward Transfer of Wealth in Human History.

3. SURPRISE !!! 6 WEEKS Later INSTEAD of 60 Days PRIOR as is THE LAW !!!!

(The arrogance of these CRIMINAL LIARS & possibly THEIVES ie. Shakespeare, Rodek Zedfei, JcFs , Project Realize & CJE etc.

The .Pdf that follows is Mr & Mrs Tobi & Milton Lefton/NsInvest's FINAL FUCK YOU

(1st time cussing on this blog- and for that I apologize, but is long overdue... )

THIS IS CLEARLY ILLEGAL & Criminal (760 ILCS 3/108 CLEARLY states that it is)

Now that FINRA is sniffing around this happens ?

I have been Demanding & Ignored for AN ENTIRE YEAR for a detailed FINANCIAL HISTORY for THE Alexander Gordon Barnett Trust #1.

I have been trying to get access to MY re$ource$ to forensically $ue Mr & Mrs Tobi & Milton Lefton/NsInvest. I was WARNED that they would bankrupt me in doing so.

WELL, they did it anyway.... TRUST #1 has been either STOLEN or completely DIVESTED.

While Trust #2 "LOST" at least 25% of throughout 2022 despite my warnings and begging to be LIQUIDATED &/or at least Hedged/Diversified !!!

(insert KAMIN Letter)

Now I being told, RETROCTIVELY, that , on My Mother's Birthday of ALL DAY$, October 21, 2022 (Truly evil if not Satanic), he ALREADY "retired" and in direct Violation of the LAW, no to mention as to how the Trust was originally RE-Written, let alone it's Original Format from 1985.




On THIS DAY 12.14.2014 as well as the day I received it 12.6.2022 and

fwd:'d the email from His Lawyer & it's attachments to both FINRA & The SEC

1985 no call, no thanks for you business.. just, "you've been sold..."

I take no pleasure in being right and getting screwed for it .

Has happened since 1985.

Would have had $60 Billion Dollars in Bitcoin back in April on my birthday had he bought in 2011 or 14.

$20 MILLION DOLLARS if he went for GOLD in 1990.

NOW, I have ZERO

Date: December 21, 2022

From: The Desk of Alexander Barnett

To: Milton Lefton, Terry Chapman, North Star Investment Management

Cc: FINRA, Securities & Exchange Commission

CC: Friends & Family of Marjorie C. Barnett, Md., Phd., MA

Dear Milton Lefton, Terry Chapman, North Star Investment Management

This letter is to express our dissatisfaction with the terms of your offer and your overall job performance for the past 35+ years.

We feel that your actions have not been in good faith, and we find your trustworthiness and credibility highly questionable.

We understand that you may be motivated by some kind of monetary gain, but we are here to remind you that any profits made through criminal activity will not be tolerated. This applies to any form of corrupt or unethical behavior that sought to take advantage of this situation for personal or your associates gain.

Your offer has been met with not only extreme displeasure, but COMPLETE DENIAL & REFUSAL .ie VETO, as it does NOTHING to ensure OUR financial security or well-being. Furthermore, we cannot allow ourselves to be taken advantage of in order for you to make a profit from an illegal act. We strongly suggest that you reconsider this offer, or else face severe consequences from us and from the law.

In addition to the aforementioned objections, we must inform you that your actions have directly violated the Dodd-Frank Act which was enacted in 2010 in response to the widespread fraud and abuse seen during the Great Recession of 2008.

This Act mandates more stringent regulation on banks and other financial firms in order to protect consumers from another financial crisis such as the one experienced during 2008-2009 and are experiencing again NOW. Which we have been exhaustively warning you about since 2020.

Consequently, due to your repeated and multiple violations of this act our trust has been completely DIVEST & Depleted to almost being dissolved over the past 15 years despite it’s meteoric growth from an 1985-2007 and the explosive Market Conditions since 2009 when Trust #1 still had $698,247.48 AFTER 2008 Collaps due to refusing to Liquidate & Short. 2020 & 2022 were also warned about and nothing was done to protect the trust or respect our wishes to liquidate &/or hedge. Just the opposite.

Furthermore, we believe that you have breached several of your fiduciary duties including the duty of loyalty - which requires trustees to always act solely on behalf of the beneficiary’s interests when carrying out their duties; duty of care - which stipulates trustees must use reasonable care when exercising judgments; protection of trust property - which requires trustees adhere faithfully at all times with all legal requirements imposed upon them as part of their fiduciary obligation; as well as a duty to diversify - which states trustees should spread investments among different assets classes so as not increase risk exposure unnecessarily. All these duties are necessary steps required when handling investments held within a trust agreement such as this. Your disregard for these guiding principles is unacceptable and will not be tolerated or go unpunished according The Prudent Investor Rule which states that trustees should exercise reasonable care while investing trust assets according their own best judgment while also adhering strictly with all legal requirements imposed upon them including a fiduciary's obligation to inform beneficiaries under their care; a trustee's duty disclose conflicts; breach of trust; and gross violations of fiduciary loyalty obligations such as neglecting his/her responsibilities thus allowing losses due mismanagement or negligence without taking corrective steps in time or even attempting negligence or malfeasance with malicious intent for personal gain.

We hope this letter serves as a reminder that any form of egregious financial maneuvering is not acceptable and will be met with swift consequences. Our hope is that this serves as a warning to other financial advisors and attorneys to abide by the laws set forth in order to protect the interests of their clients and to avoid similar repercussions in the future.

We would also like to remind you that investing comes with great risk, and we expect utmost due diligence on your part when engaging in such activities. Any decision must make the long-term interests of our trust its highest priority, yielding maximum return without sacrificing safety or quality of investments. We are aware that mistakes may happen occasionally, but we cannot allow any financial losses or security breaches due negligence or lack of care on your part.

We thank you for taking our concerns seriously, and while we did not expect you to agree with all our objections, we urge you to reassess the situation from a legal standpoint so as to ensure that everyone involved abides by their respective duties towards the trust agreement.

Furthermore, we were not given our required sixty-day notice prior to the retirement and moving of The Trust's Assets. We should have been given sixty days to review, approve or deny the suggestion, as is legally mandated. Unfortunately, instead of being given this time frame in accordance with the law, we instead received a letter six weeks after the retirement had already taken place and the assets had already been moved -- further violating the duty of loyalty. This action is completely unacceptable and has put us in an extremely difficult situation. We strongly believe that these actions are inexcusable and demand that no similar incidents arise again for fear of potential legal repercussions.

For the WRITTEN RECORD: WE, I, Alexander Gordon Barnett, ie. The BENEFICIARY strenuously & ardently object to what has apparently ALREADY taken place, what you have done and the manner in which you did it.

I have 4 emails and two texts, CLEARLY STATING that upon retirement, you, Milton Lefton & North Star Investment Management would be transferring the remainder to my control or would liquidate them if I desired.

Unbeknownst to me, until I received your email, that you Again LIED to me and went and did something to the the EXACT contrary. Again the EXACT opposite of what you said you would. The EXACT opposite of what we, I, The Beneficiary, want or is in the best interest of either ME or MY TRUSTS.

The psychological impact of the repeated violations & abuse, as in 1991, 2001, & 2008, cannot be overstated. On top of the financial losses that we have incurred, we are now left with a deep-seated mistrust and fear of those we once relied upon for security and comfort. We feel betrayed and this has caused us to doubt ourselves, our judgment and even our ability to trust anyone again. In the end, it is this distrust that may take years to heal and overcome.

Causing additional time, money, aggravation and & stress while ACTIVELY & MALICIOUSLY violating your duty to disclose, For two years, we have been requesting an audit and trade history to no avail.

This blatantly & contemptuous audaciousness VIOLATES the fiduciary responsibility of full disclosure, which is a Fundamental part of the TRUST agreement. As such, it is our sincere hope that all necessary documents and records will be provided in a timely manner so as to ensure compliance with the trust agreement. We understand how important these obligations are, and we rely on you to carry out your duties fully in order for our trust to remain secure.

This lack of regard for the trust agreement has had serious consequences for us, your refusal to abide by our informed requests to liquidate and short the entire market since December 31, 2021, going against our explicit wishes and instead taking actions that yielded severe losses across both of our trusts. These intentional and malicious decisions on your part were not only unethical but a violation of the trust agreement.

We strongly urge you to make restitution for these losses in order to avoid further legal repercussions from our side.

After 35+ years of abuse and hardship, we can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. As retirement & death are rapidly approaching. I wish you & everyone associated nothing but the worst, including prolonged and expensive agonizing pain & suffering.

Despite this, your illegal, unethical, and financially detrimental behavior will not be forgotten or go unknown. Rooftops. Screaming. All of Eternity…. That said,

We hereby demand that you re-sign MY Trusts over to ME as previously discussed and promised in writing BEFORE the CRASH of 2022.

We hereby demand that you provide access to all historical financial data.

We hereby demand that you accept responsibility for your actions and make restitution to compensate us for our losses. Furthermore, we implore you to take ownership of the situation, apologize for your wrongdoing and make a concerted effort to rebuild the trust that was lost due to these violations.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in this matter.

Alexander Barnett

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