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Writer's pictureAlexander Barnett

10.31.2022: June23,2009 is the day HE did it. Cashed out TRUST#1 at the BOTTOM of the 2008 CRASH.

Buy Low, sell high. As above, So below.....

He did the exact opposite. Over and over...

PROVE me Wrong...

Honorable people that act in good faith, that have nothing to hide, do NOT break the law to hide information from their "clients"/slaves/concubines...

Whatever happened to Transparency, Diversity, EQUITY, & INCLUSION ???

All bs?

I hope that we can at least agree that Milton Lefton is currently 91 years old and in my opinion, of diminished capacity & of a malicious spirit manifesting itself in the the form of Breaching his Fiduciary Duty, The PRUDENT INVESTOR RULE and Duty to PROTECT TRUST PROPERTY and Malicious Gross Negligence Violations to me personally and my civil rights in the form of willfully ignoring his Duty of Loyalty, Obligation to Inform, Duty to Disclose & is therefore also a severe Breach of Trust.

I have been dragged into this crash as well as all of the previous going back to 1991.

I cannot demonstrate this due to the fact the my Financial Advisor and his "Firm" REFUSE to provide me with online access to my accounts, or any historical data other than what I have attached.

Trust #1 was allegedly established in 1985 w $500. Crash 2009=$649,794.00 at the bottom.

2007=Unknown/WontTell Current Balance=$33,000

2009 something happened, was my portfolio DUMPED at the BOTTOM of the Market and sunk it into the very same thing that created and crashed the Housing Market Bubble, a Mortgage backed security ??? Why can I NOT get any answeres?

Did he then FORCE me to then spend that money on rent and REFUSED to let the trust make a down payment and my "rent" pay off my mortgage. 30 YEARS, every single time I moved I begged him to let me build equity and stop forcing me to pay for everybody else's mortgage.

30 years of this abuse I have suffered.

Considering how much of my Family's Generational Wealth (BARNETT FOUNDATION) has been "donated" to The World Economic Forum "causes" and their slogan of YOU will own Nothing and Like it....":

Trusts Not traded. Not Actively Grown. Just the opposite. Divested after Mom died. 2009.

Then in 2018 when in hindsight, I should have realized how bad this was.

When I had BLACK MOLD growing in my apartment and was told to resign my lease.

When I refused, in writing, I was then defunded and prevented from traveling with my wa$ted Chicago rent & utilities. 38-1 in favor of the US Dollar would have gone a long way in providing me some financial freedom. Seeing the world was also not what he wanted for me.

Building my AR/VR Team in Sri Lanka. Was going to be a repeat of

Investments in ArVr focused publicly traded companies was out of the question as well.

As documented...

I got to Vegas in 2018. Was refused down payments 4 & mortgages more times.

My storage fees are $1,000 a month. I do not have access to my clothes, belongings, work hardware, or furniture. Chicago stuff has been in storage since 2018, eating up $500 a month, due to being refused shipment fees. Bought new stuff against my re-written Trust dispersement that I traded my FREEDOM for; FORCING me to liquidate that too.

Truly evil & cruel and obviously intentional meant to traumatize me further.

2020, I started asking questions again. 2021 I started demanding answers.

The more I asked the less I got and then I got punished. Defunded and rendered homeless.

That was a year ago,

Despite his best efforts, I still had over a million combined between both Trusts at the beginning of the year..

That is no longer the case.

HE certainly got his fees and fees for his attorney/partner in crime.

I complained., he ignored me, lost me $180,000+ and is still billing me ?? & MORE ??

I have ZERO rights?

I Still DEMAND answers.

Innocent people who have done nothing wrong, do not break laws to further cover their crimes.

So, IF Trust #1 was opened with $500 and grew to over $1m in 2007. HOW?

Not Aig-MOT, then HOW. I am still being refused any answers.

Why is it not $10m now with such an amazing investment strategy/Advisior?

What happened? HOW/Why is only worth $33k today ??

June23, 2009 is the day HE did it. Cashed out TRUST#1 at the BOTTOM of the 2008 CRASH.

How about some Basic Math ?? Did I not, in writing, clearly state that exactly this would happen?

Why, YES. I do believe I did...

Back to the Future & 9/11. Wild...

The NEW/Next Brittney Spears....

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