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Writer's pictureAlexander Barnett

Wednesday 9.28.2022 - You will have Nothing LEFT & LIKE IT

Updated: Sep 29, 2022

To have or not to have, that is the question:

Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer

The slings and arrows of outrageous divestiture of fortune,

Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,

And by opposing end them. To divested, to sleep;

~Not mine, minus the edit.. ...inspired the following:~

(experimenting with different styles)

Marbles -AgB, 9.27.2022 I Lost my Marbles, or so they say. Alas, I cannot find them anywhere. They were here just yesterday, But now they're gone, and I am left to rue the day. I search and search, high and low, In cupboards, drawers, and under beds of a broken down 1988 Ford in the desert heat, But alas, my marbles are nowhere to be found. What sacrifices have I made in the name of losing my marbles? I have given up a year of sleep, searching far and wide. I have given up hopes of ever finding them again. But still I search on, in the hope that one day soon, My marbles will be returned to me and I can once again play the game of life.

~Untitled Is your money invested in the same place as mine? Do you own a piece of the ebony Eyre? Is your coinage green as Gatsby's turning leaves? Do you have a stake in the great white way? Are you enriched by the same means as I? Do you share in the rose-tinted view? Is your paper tied up in companies blue? Tell me, do we hold the same financial keys? Or is your portfolio quite a different size? Do I own any gold yet?

Whatever happened to ProjectRealize?

The markets are still in free fall, The markets are still in free fall, How much have you lost? All your hopes and dreams, Gone in 18 months? What will you do now? Sell your house and move to a trailer park? Or maybe you'll just curl up in a ball and cry, Begging for the pain to end. Either way, it's clear that the markets are still in free fall.



Europe guaranteed "Dark Winter", CBDC's, Social & Carbon Credit scores.

Covid: Part Deux

He "predicted" it... said he do it. Universal Law of The Universe...

12 noon Chicago (cst) WED 9.28.2022


A new report reveals that 20% of Congress trade shares in the industries they’re supposed to be overseeing AND Democrats are trying to delay a ban on insider trading. Still, the pandemic is “over” and Putin is threatening nuclear Armageddon – so nothing to see here! #obama#biden#pelosi

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