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Writer's pictureAlexander Barnett

...The Next Current Thing: "Donations" - Deeper Dives I

Updated: Aug 24, 2022

So, here we go..

On to the next CURRENT thing......

Drives me crazy that there is a significant portion of the population that is simply incapable of thinking for themselves. We call them NPC's or Non-Player Characters.

Let me give you a very simple example from the "Trending" section of Twitter this morning.

Despite promises of not taxing poor people, The "Administration" just weaponized the IRS.

The same people that were once kneeling for Floyd, Fauci, Fruits, & abortions are now DEFENDING/actually supporting the expanding and weaponizing of the Internal Revenue Service as well as increased taxation while they are experiencing hyper-Inflation, markets have rocketed past the recession phase and have already collapsed into a full blown depression teetering on the brink of total collapse while Congress has/is "spending" America into insolvency and the Misery Index is at an all time high.

It is beyond astonishing... This is truly mind boggling.

Well, not really, it has been already been explained. Mass Formation Psychosis.

Its programming. Monarch to be exact and to be thoroughly explained later. Project Realize.

If you click on the big window it will expand so you can see the whole image and quickly swipe through.

Using that as simply one example, another extremely alarming exemplification of the paradigm that directly relates to this conversation goes as follows:

(VIDEO) 2mins

Why am I bringing this up? Pretty simple really....

As we just saw illustrated in the previous installment, Exactly $330,000 (another interesting & symbolic number) of MY Family's Generational Wealth has been "donated" to the Rocky Mountain Institute. Not a Nickle went to RMI while mom was alive mind you.

Which, it turns out, does nothing more than lobby a disastrous, if not catastrophic Liberal World Order political agenda that grifts US Federal Tax Dollars from WE, The People...., further enriches a variety of oligarchs, both foreign and domestic, and then bankrupts everyday Americans by shutting down oil/coal production while "The Administration" sells the US Oil Reserves to same Chinese energy company "The Administrator's" son is profiting from through Rosemont Seneca ??

Who is also heavily invested in not just Oil in Ukraine but the Covid-19 swab test kit that never worked. FYI What do you not know about swab partner, ?

(keep reading, but DO come back and read that later)

Ever wonder how Countries become puppets of the powerful? Loan them money that you know they can't pay back. Multi billion dollar "pay day" type loans. Then take over their infrastructure.

Use some of the proceeds to buy off the politicians, sub the work of building the roads, dams, power grids etc to companies you or your friends control. Spread the graft around and then foreclose on the unpaid loans

Confessions of an Economic Hitman

The easiest way to determine if a "news" narrative is real or bs is when "Reliable Sources" host, 36 year old eunuch Brian Stelter shows up to "defend" said narrative that is being pushed by Silicon Soy Valley and the Mainstream Media Press.

No, that is not George Costanza and Yes, he is only 36. Amazing, right? Karma. Lying 4 profit.

If that doesn't do it for you, perhaps the August 5, 2022 endorsement of the WEF should be a clear indication. This is an attempt to steal or "unlock" another $370 BILLION Dollars under the guise of "The Inflation Reduction Act".

I am sorry, but perhaps its just my ignorance... but I need this explained to me.

All these other Trillion Dollar "Acts" we have seen passed , & the nazi/biolab coverup in Ukraine, over the last couple years is what caused this inflation/depression in the first place.

Outsource manufacturing and the impending War with China & the supply chain collapse do not help either. Neither does the proxy war with Ukraine.

Here is where it gets worse....

RMI is run by this guy. This is the CEO ??

Holy Mary, Mother of God. Are you F*cking SERIOUS ??? Talk about Operation Paperclip..

Why not directly to the Azov Battalion for more tattoos ??

Marjorie c Barnett, Md. while she was alive was a defender of human rights, despite getting duped into my repeated enslavement by and eventually to ML-T #IseeYouSurvivor

Amnesty International received multiple donations from The Barnett Foundation while Mom was alive and nothing after her final losing bout with cancer. Not a dime was donated to cancer research either.

Nevertheless, watch, the NPC's will even turn on Amnesty International. For what?

Telling the TRUTH as they Personally-boots on the ground-Witnessed ???

So instead of supporting TRUTH, Human Rights, or Cancer Research; $330,ooo went directly to the World Economic Forum to support Agenda 2030 through one of Klaus (Charles) Schwab's minion's ??

The same architects of the plandemic/scamdemic and The Great Reset.

The same people who are currently attempting to enslave humanity after they kill off as many people as they can ??

The ones pushing the trans-human agenda?

"You will own NOTHING and LIKE it" ??


Huh, sounds a little familiar no?

Might be the answer to why The American Dream was kept from me for 30 years.

But seriously, here is another lovely piece of propaganda that if you watch this through a mirrored lens (up down, right, left, good, evil)... it quite shocking actually... and enlightening

4:24 mins

In case you for some reason need to read it in print...

:43 seconds

6:27 mins

Ok, what else do we not yet know? Good thing someone has stayed on top of things for all these years despite having been kept out of the game...

Mom had $5m+ in 2007 and I had at least $1m in my portfolio. My brother the same..

Thats $7 MILLION combined in 2007.

I built a Social Network for 50+ when I was 35.

Unbeknownst to me at the time, Mom was already donating to aging causes, research & rehabilitation prior to this.

ML-T personally, shut down F050 because I borrowed $9,000 over six months and was left to go hungry ?? Meals on Wheels & The Chicago Food Bank is also where SHE consistently donated while ML-T has repeatedly and constantly forced ME to go hungry and in many cases make trade offs for food vs small things needed to continue progressing in my attempts to become self sufficient, let alone a competitor, let alone a mogul.

He wanted me enslaved in the system..

Just like eugenicist Bill Gates and his dad who helped start Planned Parenthood w Margaret Sanger, who HRC claimed was her "role model".

That said, while, I have been trying to get ML-T to buy some Bitcoin since 2011, the chief jab juice guy had some additional ideas to throw in. Never let a good crisis go to waste, right?

That's what it says in Chicago's Weather Underground founder and Susan Rosenberg co-conspirator (who bombed the Capitol building, was pardoned by the Clintons and now consults for BLM), Saul Alinsky's Playbook titled Rules for Radicals.

Now, how might he/him get access to YOUR "body activity data" ???

Hmmmm... Gee.. I wonder wonder how they could accomplish this...

Smart watches?? Ummm, no, microsoft does not make watches. or hardware except Xbox.

So now that we got that out of the way, shall we continue ??

7mins and F'n terrifying...

Oh, and did you see what happened THIS week or realize the ramifications ??

I highly doubt it....

Aladdin just so happens is one of the same Ai Trading Platforms I asked/BEGGED ML-T to use to get better returns than he was capable of. Now we know he DIVESTED half and let the rest sit to ruin and intentionally piss on every golden opportunity I presented including but not limited to Bitcoin as previously mentioned.

Meanwhile, NOW the criminal INSTITUTIONAL Bankers can get in using Ai now that they have intentionally crushed the market so they can take the whole thing over? Who do you think is behind all of this ?? Who benefits most? Who gets hurt the most ??? Exactly !!!

Conclusion: These people are psychopathic technocratic nazis hellbent on controlling everyone and everything they can't easily eradicate with the IQ Test.

There is a vast difference between an IQ Test, SAT Scores, Grade Point Averages, Prestigious Degrees from Esteemed Institutions & having or developed the ability to Critically Think for One's Self let alone being able to connect some dots ie sids, sads, myocarditis, monkey pox, covaids, Climate Change & Racisms.

Nothing from RMI about this? My mother donated to The Clean Air Fund while she was alive. The World Economic Forum & Bill Gates both want to block out The Sun and tell us to eat bugs instead of meat. This is to whom ML-T "donated" $

The Rocky Mountain Institute must also be furious over the carbon emissions caused by Nancy Pelosi's trip to Taiwan & Leo DiCaprio's Mega Yacht. No???? Strange....

Personally I am pissed about the $90+million dollars this cost The American People.

The fact this might start WWIII is also not funny... but is obviously part of the plan considering they forced jabbed .33% and are purging the rest.

The video below is the Founder of Greenpeace explaining how the entire movement got corrupted and explains the how the Climate Change Agenda is a money scam and a cover for the depop Agenda .

It would seem prudent to at least question if the Rocky Mountain Institute is one of the

major politically corrupt agenda based NGO's that is "orchestrating" the next "manufactured" crisis in an attempt to A) seize more control/limit rights B) further distract WE, The People... from the Coup d'état & the genocide agenda that includes but is not limited to the systematic destruction of the global food supply and the complete collapse of the stock market.

My money is on YES. Definitely.

WE have only witnessed the first wave.

I am down $180,000 for the first 6months of the year. How about you?

Don't forget, WE are only 18 months in.

Only another two and half years to go.

Gas prices are more than $5 a gallon in most states.

Americans are waiting in bread lines as food banks run out of food.

A record container backlog has developed on both Coasts.

The US is now experiencing shortages of baby formula, tampons, peanut butter, Halloween candy and other important commodities.

Who suffers, not you, you are simply inconvenienced.

In case their is any doubt as to what is happening..

13:33mins Aug 7, 2022

From 5years ago. Chicago DA Kim Foxx's lead financial contributor.

(Who's lead prosecutor quit this week due to unsurmountable corruption)

Reporter: "Trumps stock market is doing well and you have lost a lot of money"


27mins of bullshit but worth a listen

BUT, did anyone stop to ask themselves what is REALLY GOING ON HERE ??

Let me tell you a story....

As previously mentioned, I find Tim Ballard and Operation Underground Railroad to be a FAR more worthy cause to have contributed financing and resources for than any of the "children's charities" or Trauma "treatment" programs that ML-T has siphoned Barnett Foundation assets to.

Especially after being abused & Traumatized by M-T personally REAPEATEDLY FOR DECADES and then Ultimately DIVESTED.

WE SHOULD ALL be very curious to know if Jewish Child & Family services has ever supported any of O.U.R's efforts to save a single child from sex trafficking or Satanic Ritual Abuse or sacrifice.

$36 million Dollars a year.

(3 six's. more 666 coding. Interesting)

How much did JcFs contribute to any Child Sex Trafficking PREVENTION organization and if so, which one(s) and when ??

Laura Silsby/Gayler's by any chance?

Who is this person?

Let's let CNN's Anderson Cooper, Gloria Vanderbilt's son who did two college internships at the CIA explain it to you and how Bill Clinton personally intervened & pardoned her too on his way out of office.

This final piece for today is from a recent TED Talk

You will not find a single Conservative America First Patriot who agrees with this....

This is strictly a Liberal/Democrat/Rino cause/narrative being pushed.. Like cannibalism being promoted by The New York Times, defunding the police, mass illegal immigration of undocumented, unscreened, & untested persons of unknown origins, purging the US military while re-arming Afghanistan/Isis/Taliban, & forced injections of "experimental" gene altering substances that They/Them wont tell you the ingredients of and have legal immunity from prosecution of all side effects including but not limited to death.

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