Chicago Runs/Ruined America
Do you know how/why the late great Jewish comedienne Joan Rivers actually "died" ???
1 minute
Still flushing out the rest of this post. Will pscircle back..
Chase Manhattan Bank Uncovers Deal That Aided Nazi Germany
NEW YORK -- Chase Manhattan Corp. announced that before and during the early years of World War II, one of its predecessor banks helped the German government exchange marks that may have come from the forced sale of assets by Jewish refugees.
Chase's announcement, which reiterates material that surfaced during congressional hearings more than 50 years ago, comes at the time when several large banks in the U.S. and Europe are combing their archives to find out what, if any, role they may have played in aiding Hitler's Germany or in harboring assets seized from Jews during the Holocaust.
Chase remains in civil litigation in two class-action suits filed in New York relating to Nazi looting of three deposit accounts and 11 safe deposit boxes held by Jews at a Chase branch in Paris.