PLEASE watch this through and take a moment to understand what I experienced.
I am finding myself both re-traumatized and re-invigored from watching this.
As difficult and triggering as this was to watch I am pleased to have found this Testimony from yet another survivor:
103:03:33 in closing hit so close to home... please do not miss it...
So why is The Barnett Foundation cutting $25,000 checks to Project Realize ??
Why was The Barnett Foundation the ONLY/SOLE "Donor" to Project Realize in 2013??
Who is Project Realize?
Who is Mark Smaller and who is he married to ?
Did he have anything to do with my enslavement in Upstate NY? Worth asking...
Is this some kind of a payoff for services rendered ??
Different School, Same Story....
One more time in case you skipped it...