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Writer's pictureAlexander Barnett

Deadline: September 24, 2022

Updated: Sep 16, 2022


Black Christian Woman's analysis:


Perhaps I should be asking YOU what it is that YOU guys have planned ??

Like you screamed at me, You ARE the Bank !!

It appears that I know nothing, and my financial affairs have actually been well attended to and I have nothing to worry about. My future is secure...

MY mothers money was properly spent... errr... ummm... "donated" according to her wishes.

Give it to whomever YOU want. Just make sure my no good horrible and awful children that I raised and was unable to take them out in public. God for bid they blow through it trying to start businesses. Instead, give it to Climate Change, BLM-Ucann, Normalizing Trans Folk & Minor attracted persons (Hussein/Obama/Pritz's Chicago House) and DoD/DHS funded $36m-a-YEAR "Children" (JcFs) that you just became the CFO of the same year. Never mind the conflict of interest.... How'd you get that job anyway, while working full time at your day job at NsInvest,com and making all of your clients massive fortunes - while still taking January off in Hawaii and weekends water skiing in Lake Geneva ?? Amazing how people with 9-5's can get so much done, While spry millionaire kids with ambitious entrepreneurial dreams can get nothing accomplished despite living like starving artists dangling on his EVIL "Financial Advisors" marionette strings..

I NEVER signed myself into a conservatorship !!!

Oh, and get yourself some Shakespeare tickets for you and your friends...

Best seats in the house...

Can't have YOU sitting BEHIND the Pritzkers or the Crowns...

So what is it? Am I mistaken ??? My net-worth has GROWN since my mother died?

Been actively TRADED ?? Kept me in the loop ??? Brought ME some great investment ideas ?

AGAIN, You have the date..... Remember the Mickey Mouse clock ??? OF Course you do... ($hortDi$ney for 1 year and change ??) Remember The Ruble ?? Bitcoin in 2011 ??

Gold in 1990? AiG in 1984 ??? OF Course you do....


Trust me, you are NOT. To ALL of PARLIMENT this was said...



Little weird, but this kid below is ON it... Told you a year ago, WE, The People... have an ARMY of Digital Soldiers and researchers.. Charles, Klaus & Co are not pleased...

I did notice that NONE of The Queen's children or grandchildren had their inheritance to anyone outside the Family. Like normal ones.

Has ML-T disinherited his children and grand ???

WHY as my mothers friend, MY TRUSTEE and the one who "allegedly" cares so much about me, not try to convince her otherwise? Tell her Gates/Buffet were liars & genocidal lunatics and she should NOT follow their lead or advice.

For Christ's sake, Bill Gates Sr. headed Planned Parenthood for a generation.

But even They/Them too have masters and are controlled...

Ask WHY she would even consider such a Ludacris notion..

Oh, she was terrified and cancer was killing her and she knew she was going to die...

Nuremburg 2.0

Bill Gates & Evil Hairless Monkey must be FURIOUS

(skip Thru) Since despite all the Barnett Buck$ to Ucann/BLM, you really don't care about black people. Especially, Ugandans...

How many BLACK friends do you think have ever stepped into Mr & Mrs. ML-T's apartment, lake house or Hawaiian time share? Anyone care to wager on it being higher than ZERO ???

Then to finsh of Q2: BOOM !!! (The -1,300 point slid was this week & that comes later in this wonderful tale of vast financial gains.... (~sarcasm))

Should be GrrrEAT for ITW Shares...


Need we add Charlie the list of "experts" you will NOT take advice from ??

Pretty sure this is not the first time...

In the previous email we hit Jake Tran's (up your alley HaHa) video on the hows, whens , & why's of the Impending Collapse of China's Economy.

Today, comes a FRESH alert from the NEVER wrong Mike Adams about Europe.

Especially in the wake of the Queens demise.... and the Pope's... well.. (whole other post)

It's not over... member's have not voted yet... Biden & James Taylor lied to you... again...

Once more busses from the Southern Border show up & you cant tell who is who...

Then once the food shortages hit...

Then when the Stock Market COLLAPSES !!!

Oh yea... Mr not-a-scientist (or college grad) is BACK !!!

Leave your kids with nothing.... then divest the rest...

.... and so is Klaus Schwab's evil hairless monkey... (skip ahead to 2:19 mins)

Climate Change Comply OR Die Is Their Mantra

In closing todays "Episode" (Double entendre intended....), WTF is ML-T or NORTH STAR INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT going to do to prevent any further losses ----LET ALONE do ANYTHING to demonstrate you are ACTIVELY trying to INCREASE MY WEALTH.

I also hereby OFFICIALLY, IN WRITING, demand you demonstrate how this firm as ACTIVELY done a single thing to Generate INCOME for either TRUST #1 or #2 since 2007

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