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  • Writer's pictureAlexander Barnett

3.8.2023 The Controlled Demolition of America, F050, AgB Trust 1 & 2

Updated: Mar 9, 2023

I finally understand why Lefty shut down and manipulated me into re-signing the Terms of MY Trust after I suggested algorithmic trading in February 2007.

I was trying to SAVE THE WORLD. Lefty (& Friends) was intent on destroying it...

...and my Life, my Net-Worth & My Generational Wealth right along with it....

Just as he had me trafficked, enslaved, abused and MK Ultra'd into submissiveness & submission for 3 years.

I have been refused when asked my net worth on that day in May...

I would very much like to see 2016/7/8 as well.

This is where my head and thoughts were on May 2, 2006 in an email to Brian Mullins - same guy (my last boss other than LEFTY & North Star) that sent me the email on Quant Trading that triggered the "re-writes" of my Unamendable & Irrevocable Trust:

The idea: Rob Paterson has penned a long and extraordinary article suggesting that social networking tools, building on a foundation of finding and connecting and relating tools including weblogs, could be used to cut out the corporate and government middlemen everywhere, usurp the existing economy and power authority, and create peer-to-peer networks that would run everything.

Rob says:

I believe that ...Social Software tools...will shake our entire society to the core. I believe that our descendants will look back at its arrival the same way that we now look back at the advent of the printing press. I believe that Social Software is a vector a return to an old culture. When I say old culture, I mean the culture that fits the essential nature of humans and that fits nature itself. I imagine a return to the custom of being personally authentic, to a definition of work that serves the needs of our community, and to a society where our institutions serve to enhance all life. I see signs that that we are going home.

Pretty heady stuff. I've met Rob, and he is not like me, not an idealist taken to going off on tangents. He sees social networking as the means to achieve all three elements of Dyson's Dream: Free information, community-based renewable energy self-sufficiency, and peer-to-peer Ag-Bio innovation. He sees it as the means to achieve a media which accepts that its job is to make interesting what is important. He sees it as the mechanism to unleash the Power of Ideas. In his future state scenario he sees virtual communities, formed and connected and collaborating by means of social networking tools that will:

  • allow consumers to connect and transact directly with front-line farmers and makers of clothing and other essentials -- on the consumers' terms

  • allow learners to connect and transact directly with front-line teachers, enablers, demonstrators, and real learning environments -- on the learners' terms

  • allow patients to connect and transact directly with front-line healers, preventative health providers, self-treatment information sources -- on the patients' terms

  • allow readers and viewers to connect and transact directly with front-line journalists, investigative reporters, researchers, analysts, philosophers, interpreters of events, actors, artists, and entertainers -- on the readers' and viewers' terms

The sense of urgency to make it happen, Rob says, will come when we realize how desperate and hopeless and unsustainable and out of our control our lives have become:

Now we take it for granted that education is a linear process that leads to a credential. Now we expect that healthcare is an intervention by special people who deliver drugs and procedures. We take it for granted in business that we can have an economy or a healthy biosphere but not both. We take it for granted that work, family and education are separate processes that compete for our time. We think that it is normal to have a job and a manager. We believe that having more things will make us happy. We accept that we have no real say in the governance of our work place. Bombarded by millions of messages telling us what to buy, to eat to wear and to do, we have no confidence in our own innate judgment about what is good for us.

In Rob's brave new world, what each of us has to offer, and at what price, and what each of us needs or wants, and at what price, will all be "out there", in a perfectly connected and disintermediated market, with no agents skimming most of the money and blocking the way. The access to information about what's available and what's needed will allow innovation to flourish, as creative minds rush to fill clearly unmet needs, and will allow prices to crash to nearly zero, as the enormous supply of ideas and more-with-less products and infinitely customized, 'virtual' service overwhelms the demand. Commons, community activities and enterprises, collaboration, and free sharing will explode as horrific scarcity and outrageous prices for crap give way to astonishing abundance and affordability. The consequence will not be a rush to buy more but a rush to work less, to take time for important things -- a volunteering epidemic will ensue, and people will learn how to make and do things for themselves, and in community with others. GDP will crash and so will stock markets and housing markets while big corporations will slide into colossal bankruptcy and take the banks with them, but everything will get so much better for everyone else that no one will care. Governments will no longer have the revenues to wage war or accumulate debts, but well-being will have risen with abundance so there will be no need for either, people will be looking after each other, voluntarily, free, to the delight of both progressives and conservatives. The people will have taken back the power, the control over their lives, their local resources and their time, and they will know how to use them wisely.

Is this possible? Certainly, but only if :

  • we can prevent the power elite from using their wealth and influence to co-opt, critically disrupt or shut down the Internet and the social networking tools that would underlie this social and economic revolution (as they have every other institution or group or movement that has threatened them);

  • we are willing and able to work together, collaboratively, and give stuff away at a time when it still hurts to do so -- for every person willing to prime this pump, to think ahead and wait unselfishly for it to pay off, there will be others trying to exploit it, use it to 'competitive advantage'; and

  • we are able to drag the 80% of the people on the other side of the digital divide, across it, before the rich elite successfully vilifies us in their eyes the way they have always vilified the middle class in times of class struggle -- which is precisely what this is.

The paradox is that there is nothing we can do to 'lead' the charge to meet these three conditions. This is the ultimate World of Ends that Rob is describing -- there is no centre, no one in charge, and any attempt to impede in any way the free flow of everything from peer to peer will be seen and treated by this World as an undesirable blockage, and the World will work around it, defeating it.

Rob clearly believes that the people, all by themselves, ourselves, can be trusted to recognize and understand the opportunity, to see it as desirable, as a better way to live and work, and to cooperate to meet the three conditions outlined above.

I want to believe. Do you?

Click to Enlarge ( was shut down in Dec 2006)

These were the conversations I was having.

This is what I was actually building....

Remember Barnett/Geiger - Willis & Geiger outfitted WWII US Soldiers in the fight against the NAZI's

Makes perfect sense as to why my Family's Generational wealth was "Fortified" & "Donated" to Klaus & The WEF and is "causes"

Retribution. Bankrupting me was just a cherry on top of this sundae of sadism...



ALL MANUFACTURED - Everything was still hidden until when... ??

No Shit. I have been saying this since Q1-2020 (Documented)

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