Episode . 04 The Victim/ Beneficiary, abandoned by both Family, so-called "Friends", The Judiciary System & The AMERICAN DREAM.
But, They/Them Committed Fraud with GROSS NEGLIGENCE and intentional malice. They wrote it into the document in 1985 ( I was 14 YEARS OLD) (14) that they were going to do exactly what hey did. Have me committed, or suicided, but definitely stripped of my Civil & Constitutional Rights, imprisoned (& tortured) & RELIEVED of MY Remaining WEALTH. or Fortified as TiME Magazine so eloquently put it., Look who wrote the ORiGiNAL Document, who is named HIMSELF as successor, who wrote the "re-write" and is also named as the "successor". Talk about SELF-DEALING & CONFLiCT of INTEREST & LOYALTIES !!! Shares Torched and checks written to whom ??? Oh...
Misconduct, Fraud & Gross Negligence have ALL taken place here. As are multiple Violations of Fiduciary Duties
Human Traffick'd, 3 years of Psychological (MkUltra) & Physical Abuse ie Buck-Breaking - Suicide Enticement/Encouragement, destroying of multiple entrepreneurial endeavors, & Stock Portfolio's. Fir$t was Pari$ Hilton'd Then Britney $pear'd. Then Kanye DiVe$ted.