Risking nuclear war to protect immoral Ukraine and their corrupt officials is a terrible idea. Edward Szall reports on the genocide and butchery allegedly happening as Russians and Ukrainain Nazis fight over territory.
Thousands of mercenaries have been fighting on behalf of Ukraine. As the Russian army took the town of Bakhmut they discovered dead Israeli and Polish soldiers beheaded with no hands.
A Russian soldier claims to be an eye witness to children being butchered and having their organs harvested!
WW3 has Started! The War of Private Militaries! Russia Group Recruits Americans! [01.02.2023]
Remember this Paper Trading Account I started with $10,000 on 12.20.2022 ??
I really need some sort of explanation.... This truly makes no sense to me....
How??? in 41 DAYS minus weekends and holidays.... AgB - The VOICE not worth listening to for 36 YEARS. The ONE who should NOT be invested in. Instead should divested & Generational Wealth "donated" to having Children Abused, put on hormone blockers, have their genitals mutilated. The rest can cross dress and just be confused about their gender, climate change, race, heart attacks, science, injectable dna-altering substances.
Hunter got to go globe-trotting and make MILLION$ setting up Biolabs, Energy Companies and Chinese funded hedge-funds. All while pissing away million$ on hookers & crack.
Meanwhile, BEFORE my 50+ Online Senior Citizens Social Network was shut down over $9k; My "Trustee" had me trafficked and tortured for 3 YEARS for smoking weed in college. Which is now legal btw. (Did you know that I actually used to buy weed from JB when I was in High School. Now he "legally" runs the entire GAME in the State of Illinois. Talk about Gangsta...)
I tried to bring MY Mother an assortment of consumable MEDICAL marijuana products I had sent in from friends from all over the once United States.
She was dying of cancer at Northwestern Hospital and said She was giving up on radiation treatment due to the agonizing side effects & nausea -WHICH has been SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN to EASE the SIDE EFFECTs if not actually kill the cancer. Super Lefty-witch Melissa Etheridge swears buy it. SURVIVED because of it. Do you think it reached MOM ??? Wanna take a wild guess as to why not ???
Unless, he/him/they/them did worse than nothing ON PURPOSE !!! Fo50.com, Vr Sri Lanka, MY Portfolio & Net Worth being INTENTIONALLY Decimated again in 2022 just like it was in 2020, 2008, 2001, & 1991.
He/Him/They/Them were too busy finding "creative" ways to invest in CLIMATE CHANGE
Where DOES Climate Czar, John Kerry get his Money ?
How MUCH HAS IT "LOST" SINCE 2017-Ironically when Trump was in & getting to work ?
Think LEFTY OR North Star Investment Management noticed ??? Cared ??? OR was this done on purpose? Has been wasting away in my portfolio since 2010. Another Globalist GRIFT !!
Hence NO AUDIT !!!!
5:18a Febuary 2, 2023 - 41 Days of Trading - minus weekends and holidays
6:22a Febuary 1, 2023 - 40 Days of Trading - minus weekends and holidays
So, of you look at the balance below, and check the balance above, I doubled up again...
21 DAYS - SO, 4x in the second 20 Days ???
22 DAYS - 7:47am
Current Balance ???
41 Days ??? Conservative Investing is the way to go you say ???
Mickey has my best interest in mind ???
He LOVES ME ??? GTFOH.... (as the kids say)
Ok. Now do YOU remember the Second Account that I started trading LAST WEEK with $100,000?
Don't miss the 11:05am update below... Not only is it staggering, it shows how criminal or simply incompetent these lizard "advisors" truly are. Proving they should have NEVER been charged with handling ANYBODY's MONEY. EVER !!!!
Never forget that North Star Investment Management & Mr & Mr. Tobi & Milton "Mickey The LEFT" Lefton aka. LEFTY - Financially RAPED the BARNETT FOUNDATION and Ritually Sacrificed (in Satanic fashion) ME & MY TRUST AGAIN in both 2020 & 2022 as he did in 2008, 2001, & 1991
11 Days of ACTIVE Trading after 30 days of study ?? "C'mon Man....." ~Esteemed Leader
11:05am Update ???
No WONDER you HATE President Trump.....
No WONDER you told me I HAD to vote the M'F'r out office...
(Chicago House, Project Realize, JcFs, House of the Good Shephard, Ucan. "Merit")
Ep. 2986a - People Now See The Difference Between Trump’s Economy & Biden’s
"Art in Embassy's"